Ajd – Immerse yourself in the world of Marion Sagon in Espace Molière

Ajd – Immerse yourself in the world of Marion Sagon in Espace Molière

Summer Exhibition “Between Worlds”: Immerse yourself in the world of Marion Sagon at Espace Molière

This summer, Espace Molière hosts the exhibition “Entre les Mondes”, an immersive and colorful invitation to explore the unique world of Marion Sagon.

Marion Sagon’s works, true ideal interpretations of our contemporary landscapes, act as transcendent mirrors of our reality. When placed in the exhibition space, they open windows onto artificial environments where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, merging nature and human constructions in perfect harmony.

Sitting somewhere between utopia and dystopia, Sagun’s creations offer a visual and conceptual experience marked by duality. Billboards with contradictory messages, impenetrable architecture, and glorious factories confront us with the absurdity, but also with the aesthetics and poetry of our modern world.

The artist explores themes such as landscape, ecofeminism and the Anthropocene. Beyond its environmental dimension, Between Worlds questions our relationship to reality in the age of the internet and artificial intelligence, where the boundaries between the real and the virtual are blurred.

Originally from Nîmes and a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier since 2011, Marion Sagon currently lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Don't miss this exhibition that invites you to reflect on the duality of our modern age and to contemplate the challenges of our contemporary society.

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Pictures of the city of Ajd

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