Georgia Meloni forms the new Italy

Georgia Meloni forms the new Italy

The Prime Minister rejoiced on Tuesday that it was a first step to strengthening democracy, ensuring the stability of institutions, and restoring the right of citizens to choose those who govern them. Giorgia Meloni is convinced to succeed where her predecessors failed, by reforming the constitution. This week, the Senate voted in favor of a text that provides for the direct election of the Prime Minister and the neutralization of the powers of the President of the Republic. Meanwhile, the far-right parliamentary majority allows the regions to free themselves from Rome by demanding greater autonomy in many regions. Giorgia Meloni, who has been in power for more than two years and whose political success was once again confirmed at the ballot box during the European elections at the beginning of June, is determined to shape Italy in her own way.

It wants to rule this Italy having been directly elected by citizens, in the role of prime minister with enhanced powers. According to the text approved on first reading by senators, the head of government can thus be elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term, and she will have the power to dissolve both chambers if her majority fails. Today this privilege is in the hands of the guarantor of institutions, the President of the Republic: in the event of the fall of the government, before new elections are held, Parliament is always required to seek a new majority, even if it imposes it. A “technical” prime minister, like Mario Draghi for example. This situation explains the large number of executives who have succeeded each other since the birth of the Italian Republic in 1946. This chronic instability stems from the constitution, which was designed with the hope of preventing the return of an authoritarian regime.

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