Rishi Sunak, who cut short his participation in D-Day commemorations, makes a series of blunders ahead of the UK election

Rishi Sunak, who cut short his participation in D-Day commemorations, makes a series of blunders ahead of the UK election

Rishi Sunak's campaign got off to an inauspicious start on May 22, when the British Prime Minister announced snap parliamentary elections on July 4, even though his Conservative Party trailed Labor by 20 points. He looked sad that day, drenched by torrential rain on the steps of 10 Downing Street, his voice partly drowned out by the song “Things Can Only Get Better”, the anthem of Tony Blair's triumphant Labor campaign in 1997, broadcast in full audio. By anti-Brexit activists.

Since this unfortunate start, the 44-year-old outgoing leader has continued to experience setbacks and blunders. Friday, June 7, he had to take up his pen on the social network

On Thursday he attended the ceremony at the British Memorial attended by Emmanuel Macron, King Charles III and the Queen, but returned to the UK immediately afterwards to record a political interview for ITV, missing the crucial sequence at the US Memorial with Joe Biden and the Ukrainian. President Volodymyr Zelensky. “On reflection, it was a mistake not to stay longer in France, and I apologize.”Rishi Sunak admitted in a rare gesture of contrition.

Read also | The material is reserved for our subscribers In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is trying to beat the odds by anticipating the general election

His political incorrectness is clear: in official photographs, it is former Prime Minister David Cameron, his foreign secretary today, who stands alongside the other leaders in a highly symbolic diplomatic series. Worse still, it gave his great rival Keir Starmer, the Labor leader, a golden opportunity to be photographed chatting with King Charles III and Volodymyr Zelensky – allowing him to endorse the prime minister's outfit before his time. Even Nigel Farage, leader of the far-right British Reform Party and candidate for the legislative elections, arrived in Normandy on the evening of June 5 to burnish his image as a patriot.

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“Out of respect for veterans.”

This lack of respect for an anniversary of great historical importance to Europe and the United Kingdom (which served as a rear base for D-Day preparations and sent more than sixty thousand troops to land in Normandy) has drawn a barrage of devastating criticism. He added: “I made the only decision that had to be made, and I stayed, out of respect for the veterans, to say thank you to them on behalf of the country.” (…) And my children who will not live in this world of peace without them.“, fumed Keir Starmer. Ed Davey, leader of the Lib Dems, confirmed that A “One of the greatest privileges of the Prime Minister's Office is to honor those who serve it [le pays]But Rishi Sunak abandoned them on the beaches of Normandy.

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