White House candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. had part of his brain injured by a worm – Al-Tahrir

White House candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. had part of his brain injured by a worm – Al-Tahrir

The nephew of John F. Kennedy, an anti-vaccine and anti-conspiracy figure, suffered serious health problems ten years ago after being infected with a “parasite,” the New York Times revealed on Wednesday, May 8. He is an independent candidate in the presidential elections in November.

It is certain that the health of the contenders for the US presidential elections is fluctuating. Robert Kennedy Jr., White House candidate, son of former Democratic Secretary Robert “Bobby” Kennedy and nephew of JFK, had part of the brain Bitten by a worm More than ten years ago, he reveals The New York Times This Wednesday, May 8th.

The American media investigation is based, among other things, on a statement from Robert Kennedy Jr. in the context of the divorce. The document dates back to 2012. It shows that doctors diagnosed this “The worm entered his brain, ate part of it, and died.” Then the document states that “Clear cognitive problems” In this anti-vaccine form, as well “Long-term and short-term memory loss.”

When contacted, the candidate's spokeswoman, Stephanie Speer, confirmed that he had done so “Contracting with a parasite” During the trip “In Africa, South America or Asia”. “The problem was resolved over ten years ago and he is now in very good physical and mental health.”She insists. Statement criticizing Biden and Trump: “It is ridiculous to doubt the state of Mr. Kennedy's health when we see who he is facing.”

The news comes as the health of his rivals, who are 81 for Joe Biden and 77 for Donald Trump, is regularly discussed. Robert Kennedy Jr. turned 70 in January.

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In addition to missing nerve cells, Robert Kennedy Jr. was also a victim of mercury poisoning, according to the British Daily Mail. The New York Timeswhich can also lead to neurological problems.

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