DFB players around Alexandra Pope express clear criticism

DFB players around Alexandra Pope express clear criticism

National players such as Alexandra Popp, Lena Magul and Lea Schuler criticized the conditions surrounding the German national team at the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand in a documentary. They speak in parts two and three of ‘Born for this’, which will be available from Friday onwards ZDFMedia library and can also be viewed on TV, delayed filtering and remote neighborhoods. In addition, a strangeness related to officials from the German Football Association came to light. “Actually, I think we were not optimally prepared,” Captain Bob said in the documentary.

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For the first time, the players criticized the delay in nominating the World Cup squad by the then national coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg, at the end of the two training camps in Herzogenaurach. “As a team we didn’t see it as ideal,” said Wolfsburg’s Bob. “This has also created a certain level of discontent within the team.”

From a sporting standpoint, the timing of the broadcast was a bit unfortunate. Also on Friday, the German Football Association (DFB) squad will host Denmark, the group’s strongest rivals in the UEFA Nations League, in Rostock (8:30 p.m.).ZDF), on December 5th, it’s time to go to Wales – and above all to win the group necessary for possible qualification for the Olympics.

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“Personally, I haven’t seen the consequences yet because the focus for me is clearly on the next two games,” Wolfsburg’s Svenja Huth said in a digital media roundtable on Tuesday. This also applies to many other players, “so we are pushing it aside for now.”

Sioki Noskin seemed similarly consistent: “Personally I would definitely take a look at him, actually I haven’t yet,” the Chelsea player said. But she believes that “some players may have already looked at it, and others haven’t looked at it yet.” Most of the team members will watch the documentary.

Magul criticized from Munich that the second session was not about “finding each other as a team, but about proving ourselves.” Germany’s women were surprisingly eliminated from the World Cup preliminary round for the first time. Voss-Tecklenburg, who was later reported to have tested positive, terminated her contract with the German Football Association. In the film, she justified the announcement of the lineup shortly before departure by saying: “We wanted to give the players as much time as possible to show themselves in front of us.”

“We were too far out of the shot.”

Germany captain Alexandra Popp talks about the situation in the World Cup camp

The location of the World Cup base camp at Wyong, about 100 kilometers north of Sydney, was discussed during the tournament, but players largely refrained from making public statements at the time. “I want more freedom. You can think about whether you can approach it differently next time,” Bayern striker Schuler said in the article. “For the first time we were very far from the shot, which I didn’t find ideal,” Pope said.

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The footballers were housed in a two-seater flat in Wyong, where DFB staff posted various notices – such as “stay hydrated” (“drink all day and control your urine”), “suitable pajamas” and “your bed”. It has one function: sleep! Majul commented on this measure, saying: “I think it was a nice gesture, but it is simply unnecessary.”

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