“Spring” with photographer Audrey Ellors May 6-14

“Spring” with photographer Audrey Ellors May 6-14

From May 6-14, Audrey Ellor, 35, who is passionate about “proxy” photography, shows 29 nature-themed photos at the Espace de la Tour in Mably.

Originally from the Rouen region, the granddaughter of farmers, Audrey has lived close to nature from an early age. It is in this environment that Audrey finds luxury, absorbing the sounds, smells, moisture, and beauty of all that lives there. Nature is his haven of peace, like a meditation session.

In the room dedicated to her, Audrey’s exhibition “Where My Eyes Rest” invites visitors to take a walk in the countryside and discover nature’s often unexpected treasures. Mother Nature’s secrets, Audrey highlights for the pleasure of the eyes.

“I tend to play with light.”

The photographer explains that she came to practice “proxy” photography in order to “keep a physical trace (other than my memory) of what I felt during my various moments of contact with nature.” “Photography seemed to me the perfect way to do that,” she explains. So I invested my first paycheck from a summer job in my camera. I really started “proxy” in 2020. It’s a different practice than “macro” photography, Audrey continues.

A “proxi” allows the photographed subject to be highlighted in its environment. She continues, “For most of the photos I take, I tend to play with light.” This week, Audrey Ailleurs welcomes the public to the Spring Garden. Its exhibition consists of 3 themes: Mycology, Botany, Insects and Spiders. “Since I’ve always loved the pond world, I have my mascot, the frog figure,” she smiles.

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I have provided pictures as per their arrival in season. For plants, first there are snowdrops that appear in February, then violets and their scent, then anemones Silvia, etc. I proceeded the same way with mushrooms and insects,” explains Audrey.

In regards to her future projects, the photographer intends to later show “still” images that only include fruits, vegetables, and flowers. She concludes, “Nature gives us beautiful colors like this, it’s an ever-renewing landscape that we’re presented with that we don’t often know how to see.”

“Where My Eyes Rest” exhibition May 6-14 from 2-6pm. The artist’s presence on May 11th and 12th. Facebook: Audrey Ailleurs

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