New Zealand: Dope, I swear it’s because of a covid vaccine

New Zealand: Dope, I swear it’s because of a covid vaccine

New Zealand

Drugged, he swears it’s due to a Covid vaccination

Athlete Zane Robertson has been banned for 4 years for doping. And another 4 years for his lies.


Zane Robertson when he won the bronze medal in the 5000m at the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

France Press agency

On Wednesday, a New Zealand athlete was suspended for 8 years for doping. Zane Robertson got 4 years for taking EPO. And another 4 years for making false documents: he claimed that he had been injected with steroids during a vaccination against Covid …

Zane Robertson, 33, isn’t just anyone. He has competed in the last two Olympics, medaled in the 5000m at the 2014 Commonwealth Games and holds his country’s records in the marathon and half marathon. But last September, it turned out that he was positive for EPO (erythropoietin). The champion was then temporarily suspended, pending a decision by the New Zealand Sports Court.

He is reported to have delivered the verdict and published his report on Wednesday “The New Zealand Herald”. We learn the unexpected explanations given by the athlete. Zane Robertson claimed he went to a Kenyan medical facility to get a coronavirus vaccine. But this one, right away, actually received anti-Covid treatment, including EPO management.

forged document

The runner still swore that, despite this, he declared to the doctor that he was an athlete and could not take banned substances in sports. He provided the Sports Court with documents related to this visit, which prove his statements.

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Except for the New Zealand Anti-Doping Agency which obviously checked and everything was wrong. In fact, he had never visited this institution on the date indicated in his document. The two doctors mentioned? One is actually a lab technician and the other one doesn’t work there. The patient’s number was also not his. In short, it was a forged document.

“The wrongdoing by Zane Robertson is deeply disappointing and his actions go against everything that Team New Zealand stands for,” said Nicky Nicol, sponsor of the New Zealand Olympic Committee. We condemn all forms of doping. Every athlete has the right to compete on an equal footing and Robertson’s actions have undermined the integrity of the sport.”

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