Wifi: Someone is taking control of your network?  Here’s how to secure it better

Wifi: Someone is taking control of your network? Here’s how to secure it better

You should consider securing your Wi-Fi network to avoid unpleasant surprises.
You should consider securing your Wi-Fi network to avoid unpleasant surprises. (© alexkich / AdobeStock)

It has become a reaction for many of us. Every time we enter a new place, public or not, we seek to connect with it Wi-Fi network [que l’on peut aussi écrire Wi-Fi, ndlr.] Available. And when you really want to lower the bill at home, you can try calling regularly…at your neighbors.

And if you haven’t thought about securing your network to a minimum, then this is your network that your geographical perimeter can sweep away. few Advice to correct the shot.

How to find out if my wifi sucks

first thing to do, Find out if someone is online to your Wi-Fi network. To do this, you just need to go to the administration page of your Internet fund.

You can find it in different ways, depending on the operator:

on the interface View devices and networksYou will then find out the details of the devices connected to your Wifi. Computers, tablets, smartphone, TV box, printers and other connected things… All the details should be there. And if your neighbor’s device is online while you’re watching, you’ll see it appear.

If it is not connected when you check, consider looking at the connection history to see which device is connected to your network.

I get an intruder out of my WiFi by changing my password

In case you come to know about a suspicious connection, you can simply Change your password. In fact, you will have to modify the sequence of characters that make up the named password WEP key.

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Furthermore, to advance security, The High Authority for Publishing Works and Protecting Rights on the Internet (Hadobe) It states on its site that “WEP encryption introduces known and widely exploited security vulnerabilities, it is highly recommended that you choose the WPA or WPA2 protocols, if your hardware allows it”.

in 2013 reportThe National Agency for Information Systems Security (Anssi) considered that a WEP key “can be cracked in less than a minute”, while WPA “has variable robustness depending on the configuration used” and WPA2 “is particularly strong.”

“In general, a good practice is to avoid leaving the default key and choosing a key you chose yourself,” Hadobi adds.

By misuse of language, we often talk about a “password” to protect access to Wi-Fi. In fact, it is an encryption key that must be as long as possible (63 characters) to avoid attacks by mass searching between keys.


“Of course, this switch should only be communicated to people you trust, because it controls access to your personal network,” states the independent public authority.

Government recommendations

On its Great Risk Prevention website, the government gives its recommendations for properly securing access to its Wifi by securing its trunk. The following is recommended:

• Change the default username and password (usually “admin” and “0000”) for your configuration page accessible through your Internet browser.
• Make sure that your “box” has the WPA2 encryption protocol and has it activated. Otherwise, use the previous version WPA-AES (don’t use WEP encryption, which can be cracked in minutes).
• Change the default login key with a key (password) of more than 20 characters of different types (choose strong passwords)
• Only disclose your connection key to trusted third parties and change it regularly
• Enable and configure firewall / router functions.
• Disable “wi-fi” for your access point when not in use

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Make my Wi-Fi invisible

Another way, modify your Wifi. Every Wi-Fi network has a name, we call it SSIDhe explains On his website, Ariase, a broker specializing in the telecommunications sector. The downside is that anyone can discover it and try to contact it. Therefore, the first precaution to take is to change the name of your Wi-Fi network to make it unrecognizable. » This name can be customized.

It is even possible to go further and Make it invisible So that it doesn’t show up when someone searches for available networks. You can enable this feature in your network security settings.

Once activated, you will then have to type in the name of the wireless network on your device to find it. Therefore, a person who does not know it cannot find it. vision for Take note of it On your part, lest you forget, risk not being able to connect either.

“Be careful, however, in choosing a network name that does not allow you to guess your password afterwards, it must be chosen in a very distinct way,” he advises. Bouygues Telecom.

Why is it important to secure your Wi-Fi network?

Simply because if someone connects to your Wi-Fi, you aren’t necessarily either aware of user practices. However, if he consults illegal sites or illegally downloads movies, series or music, it will be under your IP address.

What attracts you with potential problems if Hadoopi is involved or as part of an investigation. Not to mention the risks in terms of the pirate or malicious acts, as cited by the government On the main risk prevention website.

If using Wi-Fi is an attractive practice, it allows malicious people, when the access point is not secure, to intercept your data and use your Wi-Fi connection without your knowledge to perform malicious operations.


Last point, practice this. The more your network is shared between multiple users, the more your bandwidth will be distributed among each connected device. about what Your connection speed slows down. Especially if the network is used to view videos or play online games.

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Enough to vigorously encourage flushing. This can also be done by passing instructions directly to your neighbor, even if you don’t know him.

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