This “slight” change in behavior will be a harbinger of separation in the next three months, according to science

This “slight” change in behavior will be a harbinger of separation in the next three months, according to science

Is it possible to predict Couple breakup Three months in advance? Science thinks so, according to the results of a study published in neon. Produced by researchers fromPrinceton Universityand published in the scientific journal PNASThe investigation is based on more observation 1 million posts on Reddit. Conversations gleaned only from the breakup section, of course.

All couples know this, even ifThey hope their story will last for a long time. exist Warning signs Whoever is torn does not deceive. Different feelings, different situations, a sudden lack of sexual desire in one of the partners … But which of the spouses could have predicted their breakup a quarter in advance? no one. This makes the results of this US poll even more interesting.

Warning signs of an upcoming rupture are scientifically listed

Researchers believe they have found signs in the way Express himself in writing Individuals who will decide in advance future breakup. Thus the language used during the amorous exchanges conceals subtle clues, of which even the main interested parties would not be aware. unaware. To find them, scientists studied thousands of messages from couples before and after they broke up.

the language He wasn’t the same three months before the breakup, and he’ll be back to normal after six months, on average. It will also be different during the week of the breakup, of course. Surprisingly, it is not a matter of vocabulary, spelling or syntax. Scientific study tends to prove that it will reach more or less sustainable use… personal pronouns.

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The frequency of use of personal pronouns indicates a future break in the couple

These are the famous signs to spot, and a harbinger of an imminent end to a relationship! which frequency I ” And ” we » Uses. “Using these words is a sign that the person is experiencing a heavy cognitive load. Something is happening in that person’s life, who is thus becoming more self-centered,” she says. explained Sarah Siraj, author of the study.

“We don’t really realize how often we use prepositions or articles or pronouns, but these words are modified, in a certain way, when we are going through a personal disorder.” added the PhD student. “They can tell a lot about our business Emotional and psychological state. »

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US study based on the social network Reddit

In the end, the manner of writing on social networks seems to reveal the end of a love story. more than ” I “, less than ” we » bear witness to imminent end from a couple. In any case, this is what this American study proves, based on the conversations of his compatriots on the social network Reddit.

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