The New Zealand government is considering a law that would require Google and Meta to pay New Zealand media companies for local news that appears in their news feeds.

New Zealand’s government has said it will introduce legislation that will force large online digital companies such as Google and Alphabet Inc.’s Meta Platforms. to pay New Zealand media companies for local news content that appears in their newsfeeds.

Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson said in a statement Sunday that the legislation would be modeled after similar laws in Australia and Canada, and he hopes it will encourage digital platforms to strike deals with local media.

New Zealand media, especially the smaller regional and community newspapers, are struggling to remain financially viable as more advertising runs online.said Mr. Jackson.It is imperative that those who make use of their informational content actually pay for it. “

The new legislation will be put to a vote in Parliament, where it is expected to be approved by a majority of the ruling Labor Party.

Australia introduced legislation in 2021 that gives the government the power to compel internet companies to negotiate content supply agreements with media outlets. A review published by the Australian government last week found that it largely worked.

Source: Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson

And you?

what do you think
Should France apply the same measures?

See also:

Australia has forced Google and Facebook to pay for news content on their platforms, while other countries want to follow suit

Google will block its search engine in Australia if it has to pay for news snippets transmitted on its platform

Google is seeking to rally Australian netizens to its case against a bill aimed at requiring it to pay local press for content submitted on its platform.

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