After the “referendums” in the separatist regions, the pro-Russian leaders want to end the annexation as soon as possible.

After the “referendums” in the separatist regions, the pro-Russian leaders want to end the annexation as soon as possible.

Kyiv “will not accept any attempt by Russia to seize any part of our territory,” Zelensky says

In his daily video, he posted on Wednesday eveningThis was said by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Ukraine cannot and will not accept any attempt by Russia to seize any part of our territory.referring to the annexation referendums organized by Moscow in the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson.

And the pro-Russian leaders in these areas, which Moscow occupied in whole or in part, called, on Wednesday, to annex them to Russia, after the positive results of these elections were announced.

At the end of a day marked by discussions with Turkey, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United Nations and the European Union, Volodymyr Zelensky thanked these partners for their efforts. Clear and unequivocal support.

“These brutal violations of the Charter of the United Nations must be punished.”says the Ukrainian president. “Our main task now is to coordinate actions with partners in response to the fake referendums organized by Russia and all related threats,” Progressing.

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