space.  After his observations of Artemis-1, Thomas Pesquet is forced to justify himself to the conspirators

space. After his observations of Artemis-1, Thomas Pesquet is forced to justify himself to the conspirators

“They tell the truth but pick things out that suit them and ignore the rest.” Thomas Pesquet is tired, and he declares it. Invited by France 2 on Sunday evening to talk about the Artemis-1 mission, the French astronaut spoke about what the moon represents for him.

“When I look at the moon at night,” he said, before concluding, “it still gives me goosebumps, for it is not the same thing you say to yourself: Can we go there,” before concluding: “We are going to go too far. As far as no man has left the earth.” A phrase said to evoke the long journey that the Orion spacecraft will make for the Artemis-1 mission, which will travel 70,000 kilometers from the Moon, before landing there… farther than it has been during all of the Apollo missions.

“Who wins in all of this?”

Those words, Thomas Pesquet was probably far from imagining having to justify them a few days later. However, that’s what 44-year-old Norman, who has made two trips to the International Space Station, had to do on Wednesday, on his Twitter account. “But why do we have to waste precious time on this again: Of course yes, man went to the moon during the Apollo missions,” he wrote to start his thread.

The astronaut, who lamented “I had to tweet today” after his two missions and the thousands of hours he spent “explaining science and technology,” then referred to “manipulators”: “It also worries me a lot to see how people enjoy blurring the truth and others enjoy. Seriously. Ask yourself the question: Who wins in all of this? It’s not NASA, but the manipulators who tell you everything is wrong.”

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See you on the moon “in a few years”

“The guys who tell you ‘We’re lying to you, look, the truth is here, I’m not lying to you of course’, doesn’t that sound a bit easy? They have everything to draw from. They criticize real scientists, but cover themselves with (often bogus) testimonies. To impress you,” he continued, “in connection with the many scammers who have jumped on the excerpt from the 8 p.m. newspaper to publish their theories. He has never set foot on the moon.”

“Drunk (sic)” To write all this, Thomas Pesquet explained that he wouldn’t prove “that the moon landing really happened, because it’s already been done millions of times,” before declaring that he would go back to spending time and energy “to achieve things like the International Space Station and Artemis.” , then in conclusion by giving the phrase “See you on the moon in a few years”.

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