Saturday World Games Festival at Espace des Arts

Saturday World Games Festival at Espace des Arts

Espace des Arts and Bloc7 will participate in the World Games Festival on Saturday 28 May 2022. More details with Info Chalon.

From Monday, until Saturday, May 28, 2022, the Arts Center and Museum Block 7 invite you to Bar de la Rotonde to watch “tell me a game», an exhibition that presents the world of gaming from its various aspects.

According to the show’s organizers, this show answers various questions you could be asking yourself about the game without even daring to say it.

And this Saturday, May 28, 2022, from 5 pm to 9 pm, in the Bar de la Rotonde of the Espace des Arts, come discover a wide range of games, from traditional wooden toys to the latest modern board games.summon different skills (speed, dexterity, visual discrimination, strategy, etc.).

Whether you are with family or friends, whether you like competition or cooperation, whether playing is an excuse to have fun or think, you are bound to find games that allow you to have a good time.

A free global gaming festival for all in partnership with the Association des Ludothèques Françaises (ALF).

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