Open Science: CNRS Supports 'Diamond' Open Access Action Plan

Open Science: CNRS Supports ‘Diamond’ Open Access Action Plan

The “Diamond” Open Access Action Plan was announced on February 4 and 5, 2022 during European Open Science Days in Paris (OSEC), a PFUE event. This is a method recommended by the CNRS for a long time in order to diversify its open access publishing methods.

For more than 20 years, the National Center for Scientific Research has supported such virtuous initiatives in favor of open access through journal platforms or innovations in digital tools for certification and dissemination of scientific results. Let’s quote from publications portals like OpenEdition for humanities and social sciences and Mersin Center for Mathematics (recently expanded to include other disciplines); platform EpiSciences To host innovative journals based on open archives; platform Peer community in which publishes recommendations for prior publications and articles based on assessment by the scientific communities and which have been directly supported by the CNRS since last year.

These virtuous initiatives are implemented by the scientific communities and supported by the CNRS in partnership with other research institutions.

In addition, CNRS makes direct contributions to support the shifts of traditional journals toward the diamond model. An example is given from the economic model” Subscribe to Opn” which consists of requiring institutions to commit to renewing their subscription. Once the subscription limit is reached, the journals switch entirely to “diamond” open access. This is notably the case for six SMAI mathematical journals that have published EDP ​​علوم Science.

Dans le domaine de la physique des hautes énergies, cela fait plusieurs années que l’accord ” Scoap3 » porté par le Cern et financé par plusieurs institutions de recherche dont le CNRS permet la lecture et la publicationlin gratuite à tous les aute champ discipaire all over the world.

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The action plan published on March 2 highlights this virtuous publishing model. It will make it possible to offer open access publishing pathways that do not depend on payment of publishing fees, such as open access platforms with mandatory publishing fees, which for the most part pose cost and ethics issues. This is why the CNRS, according to its Open Science roadmap, wanted to show its support for the “diamond” action plan as soon as it was published.

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