90% of the world’s population has some form of immunity, according to the World Health Organization
But the head of the World Health Organization warned against a decline in vigilance, which leaves the door open for the emergence of a new species.

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At least 90% of the world’s population has some form of itImmunity to COVID-19said the Director-General of the World Health Organization on Friday, December 2. This immunity has been obtained Through a previous infection or vaccination.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explained.
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However, he spoke of a decline in vigilance leaving the door open for the emergence of a new species that could potentially spread and replace the currently dominant Omicron variant. The head of the World Health Organization warned against the temptation to assert prematurely that the emerging phase of the pandemic was over. “We’re not there yet.”pointed out.
We have a lot of tools to save lives.
Gaps in monitoring, testing, sequencing and vaccination continue to create the perfect conditions for the emergence of a new, worrisome variant that could cause significant mortality., to caution. According to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, more than 500 sub-Omicron variants are currently in circulation, all of which are highly contagious and have mutations that make them able to overcome immune barriers more easily, although they cause less severe forms of the disease than previous variants. .
A total of 6.6 million deaths have been reported by countries to the WHO, while nearly 640 million confirmed cases have been recorded. According to the World Health Organization, the real losses are much heavier. Over the past week, more than 8 500 deaths due to Covid-19 have been recorded, “Which is unacceptable after three years of a pandemic, when we have so many tools to prevent infections and save lives.”stressed the head of the World Health Organization.
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