84% of business leaders demand “orderly” rather than “submissive” sobriety

84% of business leaders demand “orderly” rather than “submissive” sobriety

Posted on July 5, 2022

He went from “emergency sobriety,” he suffered, to orderly sobriety. This is the challenge that we, the business leaders, have collectively decided to tackle”, the launch of 84 business leaders in a column published in JDD. An initiative of the Impact France movement, the advocacy encourages Make energy sobriety a collective choiceThe platform has been signed by social and solidarity economy entrepreneurs but also leaders of large companies such as Jean-Bernard Levy, CEO of EDF, Hélène Bernicot of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa or Pascal Demurger at the helm of the insurance company Maif.

“Sobriety is not synonymous with scarcity, withdrawal or decline,” say committed entrepreneurs

Sobriety is not synonymous with scarcity, withdrawal, or decline, but it is the answer to the most important equation of our time that must today be at the heart of all political thinking: how to satisfy everyone’s needs in a world of outmoded planets and their unruly borders. consumerismWrite the entrepreneurs involved in Dinar. “Sustainable sobriety will necessarily pass through fair value sharing and long-term integration within the company, and thus through changes in governance.”add the last.

This stance echoes the three French energy companies, Engie, Total Energy and EDF, which also published a column in JDD encouraging more “sobriety”. France’s three dominant companies, electricity, gas and oil, have encouraged them to consume less energy to respond to the seriousness of the situation. Then they raisedExceptional sobriety is necessary, we have tools and expertise that we intend to muster to achieve this sobriety in the long term without significantly affecting our lifestylesThey stressed it out, but the 84 leaders who signed on to the podium this week in JDD go even further.

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Deep transformation

Committed leaders believe that it is precisely our ways of life that must be profoundly changed. “We plead not to limit the issue of sobriety to a one-off response from every citizen facing a crisis of inflation and deficiency to suffer from, but to make it a global approach committing economics to a new paradigm to be chosen and perfected.Jean Moreau, founder of Phenix and co-chair of the Impact France movement.

Thus, entrepreneurs campaigning for consolidation is at the heart of business strategy.”Circular economy, saving use, repatriation, biodiversity regeneration, or even aligning company carbon reductions with the Paris Agreement“On reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These models are evolving in several sectors, such as textiles using second-hand goods and guaranteed repairability, in food using discreet organic farming in carbon-based inputs, short circuits or waste control or even mobility using soft and low solutions carbon, and even digital through “low tech” or “tech for good” initiatives.

Return promises to be rich

In addition, the forum’s authors believe that chosen sobriety is also a way to reconcile ecology and social issues. “Orderly economic sobriety is a way of not placing the burden of transition on the poorest“They write. They hope.”Developing our global competitiveness model“for the purpose of”Finally getting companies out of a perpetual contrarian injunctionBetween financial goals on the one hand and climate and social goals on the other. Another opinion article published in social And Mediapart, adds that in “France, a person belonging to the richest 10% emits on average 5 times more greenhouse gases than a person belonging to the poorest 50%..

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Signatories to this JDD forum would suggest “collective choiceAugust 30 whenSummer Universities for Tomorrow’s Economy In Paris. An appointment that will take place at the same time as the summer university of the first French employers’ organization, Medef, which has been renamed the Meeting of Entrepreneurs in France (REF). In addition, also at the beginning of the school year, members of the Climate Business Agreement (CEC) will present 10 proposals to elected officials to transform the economy. They campaign in particular to make publication of the Biodiversity Index compulsory or to set executive bonuses according to climate strategies, but also to popularize carbon assessments. After 9 months of reflection and 6 public hearings, the appeals of the 150 companies that took part in the adventure “Reinventing business, aligning it with the planetary boundaries, and entering a renewed economythey point.

Mathilde Jula @employee

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