6 million euros from the region to reduce fees – the Emilia-Romagna region

6 million euros from the region to reduce fees – the Emilia-Romagna region

Cesena, June 7, 20218 Weeks World Tour: It’s the tour that started today in Summer Center of the Cultural Association Artexplora in Cesena, which opened this morning in Polisportiva di San Vittore in the presence of the Vice President of the region in charge of well-being, Eli Schleinmayor of Cesena, Enzo Latoca Municipal Advisor for Individuals and Families Services, Carmelina Labruzzo.

for two months Until July 30 will host Boys and girls, girls and boys 3 to 14 years old Through a rich program of initiatives, starting specifically with a virtual trip to 15 countries around the world, from Africa to Europe, from the United States to Latin America, from Asia to Australia to New Zealand: through live video links, young guests will be able to meet new friends , listening to their language and doing arts and crafts activities together, then immersing themselves in the realities of the known country in the following days and learning stories, music, artists and landscapes under the guidance of teachers. Not only that, because the game with English will be daily, as well as the sports activities that are approaching.

The Vice President said: “Summer Centers represent a key moment for the resumption of educational and social pathways after a very difficult year, especially for the young ones – Schlein-. We, along with the entire regional system, have also worked hard to update the security protocols, and this is a really great way to start over, with a great experience here in Cesena. The region has provided 6 million euros to help families reduce placement fees and has again secured from the government significant funding of 135 million euros to run these activities targeting adolescents and children. Seeing the smiles of these boys and girls, the happiness in being able to resume a social path is the most beautiful thing, and I believe – Schlein added – that the efforts of the teachers, educators and organizers working across the region should really be rewarded. To leave today and give smiles and serenity again to our youth and our youth.”

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