4 steps to choosing a melon that’s ripe and delicious every time

4 steps to choosing a melon that’s ripe and delicious every time

What could be more refreshing in summer than a good watermelon? This sweet and juicy vegetable is a real delight for the taste buds. However, sometimes it is difficult to choose the right watermelon and be sure that it will be delicious. Don’t worry, here are 4 Grandma’s secrets for you to get to know those super ripe and delicious watermelons. Follow these simple tips and you will never be disappointed again!

1. Examine the tail of the cantaloupe

The first step in choosing a good watermelon is to carefully observe the tail, also called the peduncle. When the fruit is ripe, this little tail slides off easily. To see if a watermelon is ready to eat, gently touch the stalk. If it comes out without resistance, this is a sign that the fruit is ripe and ready to eat quickly. Also, if you see cracks at the base of the peduncle, this also indicates that the watermelon has ripened.

2. Count the scratches

A good watermelon is an aesthetically pleasing watermelon. The lines on the watermelon peel should be clearly visible and colored. You should be able to count about ten separate slices. Don’t worry if you notice a spot on the watermelon’s skin, it may just indicate where it hit the ground. This does not affect its delicious taste in any way.

3. Smell the watermelon

Nothing beats the aroma of a ripe watermelon that makes your mouth water. Take the watermelon in your hands and bring it to your nose. If you notice a sweet and pleasant aroma, then this means that the watermelon is ripe and ready for tasting. Be careful, if the smell is very strong, this may indicate that the watermelon is starting to spoil and is best avoided.

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4. Check the texture

Another tip for choosing a watermelon is to feel it. Hold it in your hands and estimate its weight. The more ripe the watermelon, the denser and heavier it will be. However, the watermelon skin should not be too hard or too soft. If it is soft, this may indicate rotting watermelon pulp. Therefore, the ideal option is to find a balance with fair, not sallow skin.

Now that you know how to pick a ripe and tasty watermelon, it’s important to know how to store it to get the most out of it. Watermelon is a delicate vegetable, so it should be handled with care. When carrying it, be careful not to drop or hit it. If you can’t eat it right away, wrap it in cling film and put it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. It will last for a maximum of 6 days. Before serving, take it out of the fridge an hour before serving to enjoy its full flavors.

In conclusion, choosing a good watermelon is not too complicated if you follow these simple tips. Feel free to put them into practice on your next purchase and you’ll be sure to enjoy a delicious, perfectly ripe watermelon. And if you have any additional tips for choosing a watermelon, feel free to share them in the comments. Good appetite !

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