35 years after the release of the Game Boy, a new game has been released on Nintendo's handheld console, and in the box please!

35 years after the release of the Game Boy, a new game has been released on Nintendo's handheld console, and in the box please!

Game news 35 years after the release of the Game Boy, a new game has been released on Nintendo's handheld console, and in the box please!

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Even if the term is a bit exaggerated and not to everyone's liking, it must be admitted that the regaming scene is definitely very active. More than thirty-five years after its release, Nintendo's Game Boy is preparing to welcome a new game. do you believe that?

Historical console

When he sat on the train that brought him back to Kyoto, the highly inspired Gunpei Yokoi never imagined that he was about to revolutionize the world of video games. In fact, while watching a traveler spending time on his calculator, the person in question had a flash. Then he had a vision for an electronic device that would allow people to play games, which led to the famous Game & Watch. This philosophy then continued within Nintendo to take the form of the Game Boy. A monochrome machine that was initially derided internally and by the competition, but Nintendo's handheld eventually swept away everything in its path. With its impressive autonomy (especially compared to the Game Gear and Lynx) and impressive game library, the Game Boy became a staple product that spanned many generations. It's also benefited from a second life thanks to the advent of the Pokémon license that arrived here at the end of the 1990s.

A brand new game in 2024?

Many older consoles benefited from a very active community. Few never introduce new games or prototypes. Players feel nostalgic and love to dive back into the technical twists and turns of these machines of yesteryear. Therefore, when a console is very popular and achieves global success, the number of projects increases tenfold! For the Game Boy, the machine in our hands here, 2024 should be full of surprises. As the site indicates MO5.comNintendo's monochrome console has welcomed several shows in the past year (Power Ball, Athletic World, Far After, etc.) and is about to open the door to a newcomer: CeL Story.

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35 years after the release of the Game Boy, a new game has been released on Nintendo's handheld console, and in the box please!

The game has arrived for the first time in a new collection from publisher Phoenix Ware, available in a beautifully designed cartridge and box! Already available, the work of Frenchman CeL (who took care of programming and graphics) and musician Beatscribe can be tested at this address. It is priced at £45 and will please fans of this kind of exploration. It involves developing a young character in the remains of an ancient civilization in order to recover the damaged parts of his ship. But the adventure will take a completely different turn and become a real search for the identity of the avatar.

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