3 Tips to Get Your Blog Noticed on Social Media

3 Tips to Get Your Blog Noticed on Social Media

Social media is a great way to get your blog noticed and spread your content to a wide audience. The more people you reach, the more eyeballs you can gain on your content, and the more potential customers you can attract to your business. With this in mind, it’s easy to see how important social media marketing with SEO services NZ can be for your blog’s success. To help you get started with social media marketing, here are three tips to get your blog noticed on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

1) Engage with Readers

Look for blog posts that are similar to yours and comment. Engaging with other bloggers is a great way to find people who will be interested in your content as well! Share your blog post on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Posting a link back to your blog is a great way to get people’s attention. Finally, share the content with your friends, family and colleagues by forwarding them an email or posting it on your own social media channels. Who knows, you might even convince someone who doesn’t have a blog themselves but loves what they read!

2) Incentivize Sharing

Once you have created your post, it’s time to find ways to get people reading it. Here are three tips that can help you get your blog noticed on social media:

  •         Post at the Right Time
  •         Include a Link in the Image Description
  •         Promote with a Hashtag
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Aside from these three key tips, remember that quantity does not necessarily mean quality. Make sure you are providing your audience with a quality post that can encourage sharing instead of just writing for yourself and hoping others will share it. If you have something meaningful to say, people will be more likely to share your content. Also, don’t forget about other social networks such as Instagram and Tumblr—and don’t limit yourself to just one network! Remember: Sharing is caring!

Write a professional review based off the following description: Review an album that you recently listened to or a film/movie you watched.

3) Use Hashtags

Make sure your content is interesting and engaging. If you want people to share it, make sure it’s worth sharing! Consider guest blogging as a way to get your content into the hands of new readers and build relationships with other bloggers in your niche.

Do some research into what topics are trending in your industry or what is popular within your niche and find ways to add fresh perspective or a different take on those topics.  You may also want to participate in a blog hop where you contribute original posts to one or more bloggers’ blogs over the course of one week.

Create compelling graphics that represent your blog posts visually – use images from professional photographers if possible (and credit them appropriately). Choose colors that pop against white backgrounds and black fonts – stay away from gradients that blend colors together. Don’t forget to include a link back to your blog post when posting on social media sites.

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