100,000 dead in Germany The future government is under pressure

100,000 dead in Germany The future government is under pressure

Outgoing Counselor Angela Merkel On Thursday he urged the government in training to tighten measures quickly to tackle the outbreak of the infection in
COVID-19 While the country has
Crossed the mark of 100,000 deaths related to the virus.

“It is a very sad day,” the late leader said at a press conference in Berlin.

“Every day counts”

The Health Authority (RKI) earlier announced that 100,119 people have succumbed to Covid-19 in Germany Since the beginning of the pandemic, after 351 deaths were recorded in the past 24 hours.

“Every day counts,” warns Angela Merkel, who wants an extra turn of the spiral and has informed her successor, the Social Democrat, about it. Olaf Schulz. “I made it clear to her that we can manage this together, during this transitional phase, and that we will consider all necessary measures,” she explained.

In one day, the RKI also identified 75,961 new pollution, a new high, at a time when Europe’s largest economy fears hospital saturation. The infection rate in the seven days also reached a record high of 419.7. In Saxony, in the former German Democratic Republic, it crossed the threshold of 1000.

A difficult start for the new coalition

weaken the situation The new government coalition The Social Democrats, the Greens and the Liberals who will take over the presidency in December.

“We are undoubtedly starting this government with the most serious health crisis Germany has ever known,” Green Party co-chair Robert Habeck ruled during Thursday’s conference, the day after a coalition deal was presented. The government that will be put to the vote of the militants.

At this point, German regions control the region and most have re-imposed strict restrictions after a crisis meeting last week with Angela Merkel.

“Do everything” in the face of the epidemic

In much of the country, non-vaccinators can no longer access, even with negative testing, shows, restaurants, gyms, or even hairdressers. Some areas have decided to close clubs, bars and cultural institutions for a few weeks. Almost 69% of Germany’s population is fully vaccinated, which is lower than in other European countries, such as France, where the rate is as high as 75%.

Olaf Schultz has promised to “do everything” in the face of the pandemic. So far, the new alliance has sought to avoid a confinement Nationally, criticism is drawn for its alleged inaction.

For Robert Habeck, the current catalog of measures can still stop the fourth wave of the virus. Otherwise, he warned, “we will have to talk in the coming days about other measures.” Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has already called for the next crisis meeting between the states and regions, scheduled for December 9, to be presented.

saturated hospitals

The health sector in Germany has sounded the alarm in the face of some saturation Hospitals In the hardest-hit areas in the south and east, where the country is facing a shortage of caregivers reducing the number of beds available in intensive care.

Some institutions face an “acute overburden” that requires patients to be taken abroad, noted Gernot Marx, president of the German Federation of Intensive Care Medicine.

For his part, the president of the college, Heinz Peter Medinger, warned of the infection escaping in schoolsThose under the age of 12 do not have access to the vaccine in the country.

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‘Loss of control already exists’

“The loss of control is already there, while some schools are forced to close due to the outbreak of the infection,” he lamented, in an interview with Passauer neue Presse.

The health crisis has sparked controversy over the importance of introducing compulsory vaccination for all, as Austria has just decided. National leaders agreed with the heads of the regions, responsible for health affairs, to study this option, which is already valid for soldiers of the German army and soon for employees of care institutions. But calls to go further are multiplying.

Bayern Munich star injured Joshua Kimmish, whose reservations about the vaccine are very symbolic, Judge Der Spiegel: “Anyone who is not vaccinated will end up catching Covid.”

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