10 years after GTA V, Rockstar has finally revealed the release date for the next installment

10 years after GTA V, Rockstar has finally revealed the release date for the next installment

In a few days, it will officially be 10 years since the movie was released grand theft auto Fifth. The fifth installment in Rockstar’s legendary series will define three generations of consoles, before soon giving way to the highly anticipated GTA VI. And while Next Generation slowly points the tip of its nose, Rockstar cheerfully teases the release date of its software.

The official release period?

The wait shouldn’t be too long for hard-waiting players GTA VI. Having managed to take advantage of a massive gameplay leak following the unfortunate Rockstar hack, impatient gamers have seen the US studio slowly but surely weaponize with the announcement of GTA VI. After his farewell GTA Vconfirmation to develop GTA VIAnd, announcing an acquisition that could change everything, Rockstar prepares for Part Two.


sequel, known as GTA VI, is to see players set off once again in Vice City, a fictional city inspired by the city of Miami. After more than 20 years gta vice city, The title will see a Bonnie and Clyde-style couple (Lucia and Jason) attempt to climb the social ladder. With the release date approaching, many gamers are waiting for the premiere. An official trailer that has been in the news for several years, for a game whose development would have been messy to say the least.


However, it looks like the wait won’t be too long, as Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games, recently teased about the game’s release date. GTA VI In an interview with CNBC. When asked about the exact release date of the game, Zelnick said that it will be released in fiscal year 2025, that is, between April 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025.

We leave it up to our companies to announce upcoming titles and we said we have a very strong inventory of titles and we have an excellent outlook for fiscal year 2025, and we’ve reaffirmed our belief that we’re generating close to $8 billion in net bookings.Mr Zelnick said.

Wide range still indicates an exit period for GTA VI. It remains to be seen if the match will not be a victim of postponement. It is a trend that is on the rise these days, but let us remember that it remains essential. It is better to postpone the match than to go out in a dubious state. If we refer to the releases of the latest big games from Rockstar as well GTA V And Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA VI It may come out in the fall. Toward the fall 2024 release of GTA VI ? maybe. In any event, Rockstar and Take-Two will not fail to formalize the matter in due course.

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Après un Master en Journalisme à l’IEJ, j’intègre definitivement la redaction d’Hitek in 2017. Passionné de jeux vidéo, de new technologies, de science-fiction et de pancakes, je me complais à partager mes centers d’interêts avec the biggest number. Always ready for a Jägerbomb on the balcony.

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