πŸ“° After four years of activity on Mars, the InSight mission has run out of energy

πŸ“° After four years of activity on Mars, the InSight mission has run out of energy

NASA’s InSight mission, with the French SEIS instrument on board, has ended after more than four years of collecting unique science data on Mars. JPL teams failed to contactprobe (Probe means in the field of machine astronauts …) after two consecutive attempts, which leads them to conclude that the spacecraft’s solar batteries are deadenergy (In general, energy defines everything that allows you to do work, generate energy, etc.).

πŸ“° After four years of activity on Mars, the InSight mission has run out of energy
In view ofartist (A person who practices one of the trades or activities is usually called an artist…) show th Public opinion poll (Sounding can identify a local exploration technique for a given environment. A…) from near space (surface generally refers to the surface layer of an object. The term a…) from sitedrop (Landing, in the etymological sense, refers to the fact of making landfall…) InSight through three different technologies: echo (Resonance is a phenomenon according to which certain physical systems exist…) seismometer support cradle, waves (A wave is the propagation of a disturbance that results in a reversible change in its trajectory…) It resulted from attempts to bury the HP3 penetrator in the ground, finally deforming the surface by dust devils (Β© IPGP / Nicolas Sarter).

InSight’s goal was to examine the interior of Mars. the data (In information technology (IT), data is a raw description, often…) collected by the probe and its instruments, provided details of the inner layers of red planet (The Red Planet (The Red Planet) is an American film directed by Anthony Hoffman, …)on the astoundingly variable effects, beneath the surface, of magnetic field (In physics, magnetic field (or magnetic induction, or flux density…) Largely extinct, because of the weather in this region of Mars and onactivity (The term activity can refer to a profession.) seismic.

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The SEIS instrument has completely accomplished its mission by revolutionizing knowledge of Mars thanks to the 1,318 earthquakes detected over the past four years. level of performance and reliability (A system can be counted on when its task is likely to be accomplished within a period of time…) It was absolutely fantastic, as was the involvement and commitment of the French teams from the CNES and CNES CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research, known by the acronym CNRS, is the largest…)in full cooperation with teams NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“National Administration…”).

Operational teams made it possible to double the duration life (Life is the name given πŸ™‚ from the mission, and was rewarded with exposure by SEIS during the expanded Biggest Earthquake mission Martian (Mars is a generic name that refers to several types of creatures…) It was never discovered (the large one of magnitude 4.7) and the major and unprecedented in recent history of the telluric planets meteorite impacts. The seismometer is the last tool world (A scientist is a person who devotes himself to the study of science or sciences and who…) That remained lit as dust collected on the lander’s solar panels gradually reduced its power, a process that began before NASA decided to extend the mission earlier this year. general (A year is a unit of time expressing the duration between two recurrences of a related event…).

“I witnessed the launch and landing of this mission. And while saying goodbye to a spacecraft is always sad, today should be celebrated for the incredible science done by InSight.”said Thomas Zurbuchen, co-administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. “The seismic data alone from this exploration program mission provides extraordinary insights not only about Mars, but also about other rocky bodies, including Land (Earth is the third planet in the solar system in order of distance…). “

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With InSight, seismology has been at the center of an extraterrestrial mission for the first time since the Apollo missions, when astronauts brought seismographs to the Moon.said Philippe Legnonet ofinstitute (An institute is a permanent organization created for a specific purpose. It is…) From physical (Physics (from Greek φυσις, nature) is etymologically…) From the world Paris (Paris is a French city, the capital of France and the capital of the region…) (IPGP), French scientific director of InSight’s SEIS seismometer. β€œWe have innovated, and our science and technology team can be proud of all that we have learned along the way Way (“Way” is derived from the Latin word (via) rupta, which literally means “way…). “

Primarily intended to place scientific instruments on Mars, the small boom and shovel also helped remove dust from InSight’s solar panels when power began to run low. Unexpectedly, the mission teams decide that they can scatter the dust from the bulldozer onto the panels during the mission days (Day or today is the interval between sunrise and sunset, which is…) From Wind (Wind is the movement of the atmosphere, the mass of gas on the surface…)allowing the falling granules to gently sweep the dust off the boards.

β€œJust landing on Mars is an accomplishment, and InSight has accomplished so much more than that.”said Lori Leshin, director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory that manages the mission. β€œAs a Mars scientist, I found the data set provided by InSight exhilarating.”

β€œThe success of the InSight mission and the amazing quality of the data provided by SEIS perfectly illustrate French knowledge in Mars science. This is recognized worldwide and allows everyone to learn more and more about the planet. red (Red responds to different definitions, depending on which color scheme we’re doing…) Thus, on our planet Earth “ said Philippe Baptiste, CEO of CNES.

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“We’ve considered InSight our friend and colleague on Mars for the past four years, so it’s hard to say goodbye to him even though he deserves to be retired.” said Bruce Banerdt of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the mission’s chief scientist.

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