Who are you?  The Royal Forest is a sensitive space

Who are you? The Royal Forest is a sensitive space

Elected officials of the Haute-Garonne District Council approved, on Thursday, in a standing committee, the classification of the municipality's “Royal Forest” site as a Sensitive Natural Area (ENS).

A natural area is considered sensitive if it combines the following characteristics: it represents a strong biodiversity interest (marked area) or biological function (landscape), it is fragile and/or threatened and therefore must be conserved, it is subject to protection and management measures and it is a place To discover natural resources (open to the public).

In Vacquiers, more than 82 hectares will be classified in the municipal forest, the interests of which are mainly based on the presence of a mosaic of habitats, composed of different species, forests and meadows, suitable for many animal and plant species. With the beginning of 2023, it was the opportunity of the new green lung open to the public that made the municipality decide to purchase approximately 33 hectares of forests and meadows, bringing the total area of ​​the municipal forest to approximately 89 hectares. My Virginie Clavel says “that it protects the environment from the environment and protects it from the environment or protects it from all of its habitants that support new homes in the future, the possibility of separating the entire space. beautiful”. It is the technical and financial support of the department that provides the possibility of such a purchase. “60% support for the purchase of the forest, 100% support for the purchase of the meadows with an additional 30 years of maintenance by the county council,” Michele Bige, the city’s deputy mayor, details. The National Forest Office also helps local communities as managers of their forest heritage. The County Council has included the protection of biodiversity and water resources in its ecological bifurcation plan.

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It is an investment for the future made for the residents of Vacquiers, but also for the surrounding area.

To date, more than 11,500 hectares have been classified in ENS in the Haute-Garonne.

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