WhatsApp now lets you leave a group secretly

WhatsApp now lets you leave a group secretly

In its latest update, the instant messaging service informs that it is now possible to leave a group chat without alerting members.

If you love to leave with big bang groups on Whatsapp after an argument, know that it’s over. The app revealed the planned changes a few days ago via its new update. Now only admins of each group will be able to see that a member has left the group.

Whatsapp update now allows leaving a group without notifying members
Whatsapp update now allows leaving a group without notifying members © AppleStore

modernity divided

Already in May, this new feature has been announced and previews are already visible on Several specialized sites. So the Meta group app today removes any possibility of leaving a group theatrically. This does not necessarily satisfy everyone: “We can no longer leave a group? What would the purpose of leaving suddenly be?”

“We can no longer close the virtual doors. What a sad time!” Can we read on twitter.

For some, however, novelty may be welcome. Users have been requesting this feature for several years now.

Other than this novelty, Whatsapp also provides, among other things, the possibility for administrators to delete messages for everyone and for members to see who deleted them. These new features add to a long list of changes from Whatsapp, which in recent months has allowed its users to reply to messages with emojis (similar to messenger), make video calls with 32 people, but also hide it from some other people. time on the app.

However, the latest announced features have not appeared on all devices and will be available in the coming weeks.

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