What are the most common criteria for choosing long-term friendships according to science?

What are the most common criteria for choosing long-term friendships according to science?

In friendship as in love, it is not enough to have a scent that sparkles in society and to be well accompanied. To keep his love and close friends throughout life, it will be all about sensual compatibility. According to a study by a researcher at the Nice Institute of Chemistry, smell is the main factor that determines the longevity of our friendships. Science remains inaccurate to this day because it does not take into account all the social and human factors that play a role in building and stabilizing human relationships, but it is nonetheless surprising. We tell you how and why we finally reveal absolutely everything about this new theory!

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Golden rule: our friendship first and foremost is aromatic!

We know that two people who share the same hobbies but also the same values ​​and the same life philosophy are more likely to come together and build a true friendship. But why some overnight rest without anyone knowing why? Because olfactory compatibility will not be at its peak according to this latest study. Indeed, if we do not yet know to what extent scent plays a central or marginal role, it is an important factor in the stability of friendship. After testing 24 individuals, some friends, and others who did not know each other, he found that body fumes were very strong between two people when they were close.

If these 24 volunteers had to undergo strict dietary and hygiene restrictions regarding the beauty and care products they could use, this study shows that human sensitivity is found in their friendly selection. From this study, the conclusions are clear because 71% of individuals will have positive social interactions according to the similarity of bodily emanation.

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So be warned, when “we don’t feel for someone” as we usually say, think twice if you decide to move on with the relationship!

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