Verrières-en-Anjou, Clara Bidet is the new facilitator in the youth area

Verrières-en-Anjou, Clara Bidet is the new facilitator in the youth area

Clara Bedet, new leader of the Youth Center in Ferrières-en-Anjou (Maine-et-Loire), talks about her career and missions. interview…

What is your personal background?

I am 25 years old, and I am from Chalon-sur-Loire. My school career took me to Baccalaureate ST2S (Health and Social Sciences and Technologies) and then to BTS Prosthetist and Orthotist. But the pandemic period stopped and changed my options somewhat. This allowed me to take a step back.

Have you redirected yourself?

Yes, in order to support young people, as I obtained a BFA (Brevet of Competence for Facilitator Tasks) certificate. After that, I continued my professionalism by obtaining in 2023 the BPJeps (Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sports) in General Entertainment.

Have you worked in entertainment centers without housing?

Yes, for five years, especially with the Pass'agence association in Verrières-en-Anjou. I applied for a position at the Verrois Youth Center in March 2024. Thus I became a full-time facilitator under the supervision of Maxime Chevalier, Youth Coordinator.

What tasks have you been assigned?

I mainly work with young people aged 12 to 25, even if it has a greater impact on tweens and teens. Monday is generally dedicated to programming and coordination. I also work at home during lunch breaks with middle school students from Debussy as well as students from Joan of Arc and at TAP (extracurricular activity time) in elementary school. Wednesday afternoons are usually spent with children aged 12-17 in the Youth Zone.

Are things going well with the guys?

We try to involve them as much as possible in the programming of school holiday activities and in summer camps such as this stay with 24 participants in Longeville-sur-Mer. We follow the desires of young people and listen to their ideas, of course, according to the allocated budget. At the same time, I take care of digital workshops for the elderly in cooperation with the Social Work Center in the municipality.

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What qualities are required for this job?

Kindness and empathy are qualities required for this support profession regardless of age group.

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