Uri.  A special escape from Vernon to the space of the Anachronos game, regarding space propulsion

Uri. A special escape from Vernon to the space of the Anachronos game, regarding space propulsion

From the game's video surveillance station, Nicholas Cobain, of Anachronos Escape Game in Vernon (Eure), provides clues to Clara, Julie, Lilo and Regis, who manage to escape.
From the game’s video surveillance station, Nicholas Cobain, of Anachronos Escape Game in Vernon (Eure), provides clues to Clara, Julie, Lilo and Regis, who manage to escape. (© Emma Griffot)

A puzzle-filled escape game in an underground lab in Vernon (is yours) which the participants have the task of dismantling…

“It’s intense, and there are so many things to look for. We weren’t expecting so many pieces!” Comments Julie Mother of Victorious Family that evening from Escape «LRBA» Dr’Anachronos.

Parents and their daughters who live near Vernon are fond of these escape games. “There were mysteries we didn’t see anywhere else,” Father Regis says.

50% success

during the game, Nicola Cobain, who opened the family business last September with his wife, parents and sister, has watched the players through cameras and given them clues if they encountered any difficulty.

The success of the escape depends on the logical opponent of the environment, in a laboratory setting. About 50% of the groups managed to solve all the puzzles in the allotted time, or one hour. “Even those who don’t go out are happy for the moment,” that’s what makes relative Nicolas Cobain.

LRBA Adventure

Imagine with his relatives a scenario inspired by a story LRBA, a former Army Rocket and Rocket Laboratory that was on the Space Campus until 2013. “We wanted to do something local that had been part of Vernonne’s daily life for decades,” explains Nicolas Cobain. It makes sense for the locals, although there are people who come from far away and don’t know what it is. “

Before the match, this maintenance manager at a chemical products plant recalls his trade in historical context. Then the imagination intervenes. Sum:

The story assumes that there is a major discovery in space propulsion at LRBA, and that an agency is using cover to steal data. This is where the team comes in to sabotage their lab.

“reboot fine”

The escape game closed on October 28 and reopened on June 9. “He’s restarted well since the end of confinement,” the director rejoices. So much so that he and his family would like to open a second toy upstairs, made with their own hands like the first. “We did everything ourselves, the mechanisms, the groups …” he says.

However, customers don’t always deal with the game’s furniture. Nicholas Cobain tells the anecdotes with a smile: “The players have already put the bed upright when it weighs 80 kg, or unscrew the decorations from the wall.”

It finally ensures the defeat of teens in their thirties, grandparents as grandchildren, and all kinds of audiences.

Practical information: 11 Charles Joseph Ricquier Street in Vernon. Reservations are required on 06 51 65 19 96, at [email protected] or on the website: anachronos.fr. Prices: 75 euros for three people, 90 euros for 4 people, 110 euros for six people. Only accompanied children from 13 years old are accepted. No health permit required. Evening sessions are at 8pm and 10pm and on weekends all day. Closed for holidays from 6 to 22 August.

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