Two British ministers stand guard on the coffin in Westminster Hall

Two British ministers stand guard on the coffin in Westminster Hall

Defense Secretary Ben Wallace and Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Jack put themselves in uniform at Westminster Hall to guard the Queen’s coffin for 20 minutes.

It’s now been more than 24 hours since Public marches through Westminster Hall And that the guards take turns guarding the sarcophagus of the queen. Ce jeudi après-midi, au moment de la relève de la garde, ce sont deux ministres de l’actuel gouvernement britannique qui ont pris place, en uniforme, sur la plateforme pour surveiller le cercueiltain d’Elizabeth II minutes pendant de une, ving according to Sky News.

Defense Secretary Ben Wallace and Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Jack put themselves at the end of the coffin as members of the Royal Company of Archers, the King’s Guards in Scotland, says BBC.

The British have until Monday morning to pay their respects to the Queen at Westminster Hall. It’s 8 pm a line To reach the ark extending 7.5 kilometers, according to UK digital department.

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Video – Queen’s coffin queue, “British victory”

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