Torreilles: Îlot Pasteur: Development of Public Space

Torreilles: Îlot Pasteur: Development of Public Space

The buildings, constructed as part of the Basseterre Complex Rehabilitation Project, are scheduled to open in the spring and will accommodate 28 social housing units.

Beyond the buildings, the project concerns the entire area located in the heart of the old centre. Public spaces will therefore also benefit from the renovation. In The Cube, the municipality invited the Torella family to a public meeting to present these developments and answer their questions. Mayor Marc Medina introduced this exchange and then Sébastien Ablencourt, project manager, explained the future work. Olivier Alquier, Head of Technical Services, was also present. The streets of Pasteur and Forgirones will be the subject of the first phase of work to be carried out in May and June. The tracks will be completely renovated. They were expanded because the new buildings were built lagging behind the old ones. It will accommodate a central traffic lane with a width of 2.5 metres. The sidewalks (twice 1m) will be treated with distinctive concrete similar to that in the churchyard. The second phase of work concerns the street and Place de La Poste. This is scheduled to be completed in 2025. Unfortunately, the plane tree in the square will be cut down as it is in poor health with “Numerous necrotic cavities with extensive wood damage extending at the surface and in depth, active centers for termites.”. Two mulberry trees will be planted.

Green neighborhood

The parking spaces will be made hydraulically transparent in order to encourage stormwater infiltration and reduce runoff on La Poste Street. The street will also be renovated like the other two streets. These streets are planned to be placed in “Zone 20”, thus giving priority to pedestrians and bicycles over motorized vehicles. The area will be greened, especially with the help of circular metal structures on which climbing plants will climb, as is the case on Arago Street. After this presentation and discussions with competent people, the Tourels can now make themselves very clear on Isla Pasteur for the period 2024-2025.

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The total cost of the work is 320,940 euros.

Cdl Photos Tuesday, February 13th. Ilot Pasteur: Development of Public Space.

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