Three chimpanzees in a zoo escape from their enclosure, they are shot

Three chimpanzees in a zoo escape from their enclosure, they are shot

Zoo Swedish Forced to drop three of his chimpanzee After they escaped from their enclosure, the situation continued to spiral out of control Thursday, according to the zoo. A fourth president was hit by one of the shots, according to the company operating the Zoo Vorovik, located just under 200 kilometers north of Stockholm.

“The chimpanzee is considered a very dangerous animal, if this type of animal is found outside in the park, it becomes a danger to people’s lives,” explained Annika Truslius, a spokeswoman for the Parks and Resorts group that owns the zoo. Shortly after noon on Wednesday, five of the zoo’s seven chimpanzees were released from their enclosures for an as yet unknown reason and found themselves free on the zoo’s grounds.

Unusual escape in other Swedish zoos

According to the zoo, sleep “wasn’t a substitute.” “To fire an anesthetic dart, you have to be very close to the animal. Added to this is the need to wait up to ten minutes before activating the sleeping pill,” the foundation said, facing criticism of the incident management. Furovik Zoo said the four surviving animals had been in the building for the monkeys at midday, but had not yet returned to their enclosure. in Facebook.

“This means that we cannot allow people to move within the park and that we are always on high alert,” the foundation said in a press release. Although closed for the season, park employees were on site during the incident. The latter adds to an unusual series of escapes from zoos in Sweden: at the end of October, A king cobra from the famous Skansen Park Zoo in Stockholm escaped from its aquarium and was only found a week later.. A month later, two owls from the same zoo escaped from their cage.

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