Those students who change companies

Those students who change companies

The students are not all deserters. While some have lost faith in companies’ ability to question themselves, others arm themselves with the optimism and tenacity to move the lines. Convinced that the effect lies in the dialogue, they seek convincing that other paradigms are possible. Throughout the week, Novethic explores new ramifications and paths to a more sustainable world envisioned by more and more students.

Committed students want to transform companies from within, convinced that together we can move forward.

They decide to follow a career path that is consistent with their values, but despite it all, they haven’t abandoned an economic system that more and more students are harshly criticizing. These committed young people want to change companies from within, convinced that together, we can move forward. Sudden realization, gradual progress … The paths are many, but they have one common conviction: dialogue can bear fruit, despite the slowness and obstacles.

“Graduation from HEC does not immobilize us in the system, on the contrary, it opens doors for us to change it” Camille Fournier said while graduating this year 2022. She now works at Eloi, a company that supports the installation of farmers in agroecology. It is through a year’s immersion in the daily life of eleven farms and through the production of a podcast “immediately” She realized it “Many bridges must be built” Between the world of agriculture and the world of entrepreneurship.

striving for influence

This quest for impact is also the search for Adrien, an engineer who graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 2020. Always sensitive to the environmental issue, he has gained the conviction that“With specific numbers, people listen to you.” He began advocating for a better consideration of sustainability issues at his university, which led to the creation of the Sustainable Development Council. This success made him want to pursue the adventure on a larger scale.

For several months, he was responsible for calculating the environmental impacts of a wide range of agricultural foods. “I am heard at all levels: in factories, environmental design strategies, logistics, packaging… We have a small force of influence,” He says. However, he is eligible: We don’t see results yet.Due to the complexity of the issues. Despite everything, the discussions were fruitful “I can still learn a lot. The effects are sometimes limited, but if we make things happen, it’s worth it” trust.

Move the lines

Young graduates sometimes face the challenge of finding a company that wants to move their lines. ESCP Business School graduate Louis Pellet followed the progress of the social responsibility department of the company he was working for. “A year and a half later, the rhetoric of this pole was still incoherent. There were appraisals, compensation projects, but mainly, the business was not sustainable and the CSR strategy was not clear enough, He explains. The company wanted to keep its model without working in-depth on the origin of the products.

At the same time, he created his own podcast ‘Consider reducing growth’ To explore aspects of reduced growth. “Meetings helped me a lot in creating a new imagination” He testifies knowing he could have worked with more committed people. He now works for Circul’R, a circular economy consultancy. “I go to meet many people who want to move lines. This allows us to sow the seeds of a model that is more respectful of people and the environment.” He is enthusiastic, even if his interlocutors are not always the decision-makers.

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Fanny Brioneval @employee

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