This awesome Waze trick can save you from speeding penalties!

This awesome Waze trick can save you from speeding penalties!

Among the many great features that Waze offers, one of the most useful is the one that allows motorists to avoid fines by sticking to speed limits.

The sound in Waze
Credits 123rf

Thanks to this feature, the app can locate speed cameras and help motorists control their speeds to avoid flashing.

Alerts for reporting speeding violations

Waze includes a very interesting feature that helps not to exceed speed limits in order to ensure the safety of drivers. Of course, it also aims to avoid potential fines for speeding. To this end, as soon as the driver begins to drive above the permissible limit, the application sends him a notification so that he slows down.

How is this feature enabled on Waze?

To enable speed notifications on Waze, just go to the app settings. At this level, opencount “ Then choose the optionShow speed limits ». Then set this option to “still “.

In addition, you will need to go back to the previous screen and activate the option “Overtaking Warning ». From then on, your Waze app is set up to avoid speeding fines.

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