The story of Le Figaro’s Special Reporter

The story of Le Figaro’s Special Reporter

Today, Saturday, a Ukrainian soldier inspects a basement that the Ukrainian authorities said was used as a torture cell during the Russian occupation, in the retaken village of Kozacha Luban. Liu Korea / AFP

a report – In the liberated villages of the Kharkiv region, the residents organized themselves to extend a helping hand to the Ukrainian army and expel collaborators.

Special Envoy to Kozacha Luban

A quarter of the entire basement has been converted into a dungeon surrounded by two metal grilles that go from floor to ceiling. “Look how recently the metal was welded: it was the Russians who did it. Before, here was a vegetable store, ” It refers to Vyacheslav Zadorenko, mayor of Derhachi municipality, which brings together several sites including Kozacha Lopan. Half-decomposed polystyrene plates, on which dirt-stained blankets are spread, are laid on the floor. Plastic plates, an empty can of tuna and water bottles litter the cool gray floor. The day before, the interrogators came to inspect the torture equipment, essentially cables used to stun soldiers, police and civilians whom the Russians had interrogated for months before the village was liberated on September 11. Pee smells from buckets left in the corner.

On the other side…

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