The river who wanted to write.  Edited by Camille de Toledo

The river who wanted to write. Edited by Camille de Toledo

The river who wanted to write reveals a story: that legal terrestrial uprising in which a committee made up was given the task of welcoming the elements of nature (rivers, lakes, rivers, forests, valleys, oceans…) into our political decision-making folds. It follows a collective experiment, that of the “Performance Auditions for Loire Parliament” which, between fall 2019 and spring 2021, sought to: 1. To compute a global legal tipping point. 2. To reflect on the conditions under which natural beings, in this case the French river, can acquire legal personality.

This book presents this foundational process – this theater of transformation – to establish a broader ruler, both human and more than human. We can follow the discussions that, in progress, herald a legal rewriting of the world, for a future where, following the New Zealand law making the Wanganui River a subject of law, the elements of nature will be involved. The rules of common life, no longer as things, but as legal persons. Thus, it is a matter of hybridizing modern law to allow entities of nature to defend themselves and confront law-governed corporations or law-governed states.

Hearings in the Loire Parliament bring together archaeologists, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, researchers, artists, architects and city planners so that the language of life emerges, so that we can finally listen to ecosystems. work for an imaginary institutional script process of damaged, trial, and injured lands, in search of new forms of housing; A treatise on using imagination for legal and political transformation… The river he wanted to write is also a book of hope for our groups struck by centuries of exploitation and destruction of environments and species. It seeks to create a horizon of expectation for the twenty-first century to which it is striving and striving for.

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A book that will accompany the presentation of the Loire Parliament, in Pulau, on September 11, 2021.

Publisher: LLL Links Editing

Release date: September 8, 2021

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