The reasons that led to the delay in the launch of the missile

The reasons that led to the delay in the launch of the missile



The Artemis mission: the reasons for delaying the launch of the rocket
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The launch of the Artemis rocket, scheduled for Monday, August 29, has been postponed. Live from Cape Canaveral, in the United States, journalist Camille Gutin explains the reasons for this delay.

Prevent multiple accidents Artemis rocket launch Monday 29 August. When filling rocket tanks, experts first detected a leak of liquid hydrogen at the highest level of the rocket. “By studying this leak a little more, they realized that there was also a problem with the coolant valve.”details Camille Guten, special correspondent in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

This series of problems occurred before the launch window, the two-hour window during which the missile could blast off. at this moment, “NASA receives a warning saying there is a very strong risk of thunderstorms, especially lightning”The journalist adds. NASA has not specified a launch date, but it does not rule out a date for Friday, September 2. The crowd left, the Florida community for the occasion, disappointed.

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