The opening match of the Rugby World Cup, the spirit we love!  Written by François Berland – Liberation

The opening match of the Rugby World Cup, the spirit we love! Written by François Berland – Liberation

Rugby World Cup 2023 in Franceissue

Each week, Libé invites a sensitive rugby personality to have his say on the World Cup. On the front line, François Berland – who explains that he “required under the contract not to be on stage on the evenings when the French team plays” – returns to the confrontation between the French and New Zealand.

“Ever since Guy Savoy made that astonishing draw, the Oval World has been in turmoil. The blacks are in the first game!” “Well, if we win this match, it’s because we’re the strongest!” Or so “If we lose, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a team game, and it wouldn’t be worse than finishing second…“That’s what they say on the RER that takes us to the Stade de France. A friend is accompanying me. A very famous actor, and he would have preferred to take a taxi.” “RER, are you sure? We won’t get involved…?” “No way! Everyone has their noses on their cell phones!” Well, about the phones, I was wrong. Blue passengers fraternize with blacks. They hug and talk to each other in elementary school English. The rugby atmosphere is great, the spirit we love and everyone is so happy to be involved!

“The opening ceremony is over, we’re getting the kits ready. Here are the players finally taking the field. Screaming on the field! It’s 33 degrees Celsius, and it feels like 40 degrees Celsius. The players are going to die, and so are we. The New Zealand anthem is so beautiful.” French national anthem Slaughter rarely. Reconnect with the Republican Guard!

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“The haka begins, don’t be afraid yet. Now this is the game we want. As for the rest, we’re starting to get a little tired of it. South African referee Pepper’s whistle. Kick-off by the blacks, and in the second, there was an oil leak. Not the ‘Amoco Cadiz But not far.

“There are many questions in the presidential hall, and many guests do not know anything about them. “But they have the right to do that?” Well, yes, that’s the point of the game. Well, don’t panic, breathe easy, this is just the beginning. Let’s fight, guys! Damn, that’s not true, Marchand was injured! tiles. His thigh again. He will be replaced by Muvaka, and he will have a giant match. Finally, after half-time in favor of the All Blacks, we took a small point lead. Well, not me, France.

“At the break, we find ourselves in a lounge with part of the French football team present there, very united and friendly, and personalities from the world of rugby. I greet the wonderful former second line and try: “It’s a miracle, isn’t it, that you’re one point ahead?” for him : “Oh yeah, it was hard, Hing!!!” But he is confident: “The Blacks are overheated. They will collapse in the second half…” I take note of that.

“It’s starting over. Damn, the All Blacks’ second try… um, wouldn’t it be tainted by the striker? The whole stadium watched it except the officials. He shouts dryly. Well, no, the test has been validated. No problem, we’ll be back.” The match changes its spirit with the French XV victorious, calm and confident of his physical superiority.

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“Two French tries plus a penalty kick give the win with a result that might be a bit of a treat but will instil great confidence in Galthier’s men. The Blacks will always be able to say that next month is the time to be in good shape for the final stages. However, victory is always sweet!”

“Once I get home, I sit on my couch to watch the game in replay! Yes. On the field, it’s better and worse. We can see better the line movements being made and undone. On TV, there’s less atmosphere, but more slow motion. Well Usually…next time, please don’t forget it!

“The next morning, I should have woken up thinking rugby was a party. Absolutely. A devastating earthquake in Morocco. So it’s up to Abdellatif Benazi [ancien deuxième ligne du XV de France, également marocain, et actuel vice-président de la Fédération française de rugby, ndlr] “This is what I think, and the drama this beloved country is facing.”

From September 27, François Berland will be accompanied by Sophie Marceau at the Parisian Théâtre des Bouffes, in NB, Piece by Audrey Chebat.

Collection by Renault generation

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