The light space will come out of the shadows

The light space will come out of the shadows

Tourism / Economy / In preparation for several years, an agreement was reached to create a large ski area with an area of ​​180 km of slopes by combining Pra-Loup and Lavaux Dalos in their management

– Alpes de Hauts Provence –

Alpes de Haute-Provence wants to overburden the main regional resorts. In the boxes for several years, L’Espace Lumière will be able to see the light of day. This large ski area with 180 kilometers of slopes will combine in its management the resorts of Pra-Loup and La Fox Dalos. While this project had been the subject of a two-year master plan, the office’s new term wanted to begin work last July. An agreement was reached between the municipalities of Alos and Auvergne Four, and the communities of the municipalities of Ubaye Seri Boncon and Alpes-Provence Verdon, with its bearing by the District Council and its chief, Ilian Barrell. “ We have an inevitable because Val d’Allos DSP expires in June 2023. We must act on the call for bids immediately and re-launch Elaine Barrell explains, At the same time, in Pra Loup, it is a department that exists, so the question must be asked when the union says individual department in Val d’Allos and in Pra loup “

‘Very important issues lie ahead’

This link cost 30 million euros. They will be useful and used only if we have with the two communities and with the two municipalities contracts of objectives that will also make it possible to improve the stations themselves. I want to talk about recreational facilities, parking and then warm beds.” The head of the department adds. For the elected representative, this project will allow the territory to be present” In the Southern Alps nomination for the Olympic Games led by Renaud Muselier.

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