Teenagers leave the stage

Teenagers leave the stage

The Internet is gradually gaining momentum in the daily lives of teenagers. Despite this, young people’s interest in Facebook is rapidly declining.

Younger people's interest in Facebook is waning

Before coming to this conclusion, Pew Research Center Bring Investigation. This is about American teenstechnology and social networks. In the end, the Pew Center only reported that 32% singly (13 to 17 years old) Facebook use. in comparison, 77% Some of them used the platform in 2013According to an old Pew Center report. At the time, Instagram and Snapchat were still behind it and TikTok didn’t even exist yet.

Facebook and teens, different wavelengths

Today, social media is prevalent on the Internet. In fact, each individual can find one or more social networks that suit him. Among these many options, Teens are interested special for four of them. And Facebook isn’t one of them, at least not of value to teens.

Jules Terpak, a young content creator, shared his vision at Take Crunch.

“There are now more than five high-profile social media platforms to scroll through endlessly, and it is not worthwhile for our minds to divide or prioritize our relationship with all of them.”

Jules Tirbak, by email

So users need Remove some platforms for They save their time And the they Mental health. In the case of teens, Facebook is holding back.

besides Facebook internal reports I also go in this direction. This is what the documents revealed by Francis Hogan talk about. Between 2019 and early 2021The number of teens using Facebook by 13%.

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According to the creator, this is partly due to the launch of the network Energy tends towards spam. Furthermore, American teenagers already had this negative feeling in 2013While that The majority were still using Facebook. According to Pew’s report, some considered it as a commitment.

Moreover, teenagers have already shown More interest in other social networks in 2013. As a result, time has made young users converge on them to ditch Facebook.

Social media icons on smartphone screen

Teens’ favorite social networks

If teens are tired of Facebook, this isn’t the caseInstagram It is also a Meta platform. Since a previous survey (2014-2015), the Number of young users (Americans) in Instagram a plus 10% to 62%. These numbers are found to be very close to tik tok who is the second in order with 67%. in fourth placeexist Snapchat by 59%.

however, Youtube The distance from a very far distance with the latter 95%. Huge difference does not mean that it dominates other social networks. In fact, a big majority Who are these teens using? Just to watch videos where Listening to music. And that’s totally normal since YouTube Doesn’t really encourage interaction with other people connected.

repeat Frequency of usePew Center reported that 19% young use Youtube “almost always”. parallel, tik tokAnd the snap chat And the Instagram Receive the same degree of attention from straight 16%And the 15th% And the 10% who were interviewed. in comparison, just 2% he is for Facebook.

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