swears.  The Grande Côte de Val-Sonnette has classified the sensitive natural area for the preservation of biodiversity

swears. The Grande Côte de Val-Sonnette has classified the sensitive natural area for the preservation of biodiversity

Eugenie Gillette, the shepherd, tends to a hundred sheep and a few goats.
Eugenie Gillette, the shepherd, tends to a hundred sheep and a few goats. (© Constance Moretti)

The dry meadowsThese dry, sunny areas on the hillside are often difficult to reach; a Poor and rocky soil Where weeds grow mostly. Historically, they were dedicated to pasture, which makes it possible to retain the richest soil for vegetable and cereal crops.

Today, grazing has been abandoned and dry meadows have appeared wilderness. While their return to the wild was good news at first BiodiversityThe return of trees is gradually changing the land and causing The disappearance of many plant and animal species who just need those dry conditions and sunshine in order to thrive.

« 50 to 75% Dry meadows have disappeared since early twentiethe century, explain Willie Gillette from Jura Nature Environment. Today they are home to more than a quarter of France’s protected species!

custom support

Many of these lands were popular when they were being cultivated and are still today. community property. sensitive to Preserving the environment, municipality Val Sonnet He wanted to take action to protect the dry grass in great coast.

For this purpose, the Jura Nature Environnement Association (JNE) and Gora District Council They provided invaluable help. And so this area was just named sensitive natural area (ENS). This designation will make it possible to benefit from dedicated support and financial assistance to improve natural environments.

“This is the first dry grass to be ENS-marked in the region. We hope that others will follow it to form a true network. Because biodiversity is interconnected: thus, many species protected in the Côte-de-Mansi Regional Nature Reserve depend on the presence of these dry meadows, even they It is located several tens of kilometers away.”

Willie GilletteJura Nature Environment

What is a sensitive natural space?

Classified by the Board of Directors, they are spaces that host a rare natural, natural or geological heritage, threatened by urbanization or special interest development.

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The ENS allocates resources for the preservation, in particular their maintenance, and promotion of the natural environments for the public, in particular through the preparation of activities, the planning of paths or the installation of educational boards, and finally the possibility of “acquisition` of land whose protection is relevant.

The financial resources for this protection come from a certain tax, the Sensitive Natural Area Tax, which is used only for this purpose and is levied on building permits. In the Jura, the issues mainly concern wetlands and dry meadows.

a hundred sheep

At Grande Côte, several improvements have already been made: Create slots between trees Who moved in order to get to the meadows, especially the reception for three yearsEugenie Gillette, patroness. “I was looking for pasture for me LambI raise them for their meat. The Val Sonnet Town Hall was contacted, and our interests met perfectly! “

In the first year, 30 sheep came to graze on the meadows. 60 in the second year, a hundred in 2021, The same goats.

“Their presence will allow both of themPreserve the areaBy avoiding regrowth of trees that will be grazing by sheep, it will also preserve local biodiversity because animal manure will promote the growth of already existing species,” explains Willie Gillette.

life in the village

Not to mention that the return of grazing on these lands that was with a leaf also indicates return to economic life. “It brings life back to our villages,” she explains. Brigitte Monet, Mayor of Val Sonnett. there is here sell mutton, but also exchanges between producers: thus sheep’s wool is used as mulch for marketing gardeners Gross. »

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This promoter remains of course within reach of pedestrians. to educational procedures To learn more about the protected species it contains will be implemented soon. And so, to try watching Lulu’s lark, swallowtail butterfly or wild orchids, a Guided walk Organized on June 16, 2021 In the afternoon by JNE and City Hall: Information on the Town Hall website.

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