Space: Water molecules detected for the first time on asteroids

Space: Water molecules detected for the first time on asteroids

to Water outside the ground…or almost! This is the amazing discovery that researchers announced in The Planetary Science Journal. Copied from BFM TVFebruary 17, 2024. Dr. Anicia Arredondo confirms that it has been discovered “A property that is unambiguously attributed to Molecular water on asteroids Eris and Massalia». To reach this conclusion, this study co-author and her colleagues from the Research Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, used data collected by the SOFIA infrared telescope. Thus, this is the first time such molecules have been detected directly on asteroids. Previously, researchers observed water molecules in samples brought to Earth.

Anicia Arredondo details the goal of her research in a press release: “We based our research on the team's success in detecting molecular water on the moon's sunlit surface. We thought we could use SOFIA to find this spectral signature on other objects. By focusing on four asteroids, researchers were pleased to discover the presence of particles on two of them, Eris and Massalia.

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Contrary to what researchers have imagined so far, it is possible that water is present in larger quantities than expected in our solar system. In addition, studying these asteroids provides information about their importance in the spread of water in our solar system. In addition, these new papers The possibility of creating habitable areas for humansEspecially in places that were until now considered desert.

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