She'll stop walking around!  This character from Baldur's Gate 3 has been driving players crazy, and this new update will finally change everything.

She'll stop walking around! This character from Baldur's Gate 3 has been driving players crazy, and this new update will finally change everything.

Game news She'll stop walking around! This character from Baldur's Gate 3 has been driving players crazy, and this new update will finally change everything.

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Baldur's Gate 3 was officially and fully released in August, and continues to receive numerous updates to improve its experience. Furthermore, the latest update should please players who can no longer bear to hear this character repeat the same thing over and over again.

Cross-save and Xbox versions have been improved thanks to hotfix 22

She'll stop walking around!  This character from Baldur's Gate 3 has been driving players crazy, and this new update will finally change everything.

It was crowned Best Game of the Year at the Game Awards 2023, Baldur's Gate III does not stop there, and continues to be updated by Larian Studios. If the game suffers from some bugs upon launch, especially during the third act, they tend to disappear increasingly, much to the joy of players. It must be said that the Belgian studio has published dozens of fixes months ago, such as hotfix #22.. Moreover, the latter has been available since yesterday and has something to please Xbox players and Minthara fans.

The first focal point of this hotfix #22 is first and foremost to patch the saved game on Xbox Series Who sometimes had some problems. In fact, this update adapts the last two updates to Microsoft consoles, so that all media are at the same level and cross-saving between all platforms can be restored. Good news for Xbox gamers, however Some add-ons correct a bug present in all versions relating to a very specific character: Minthara.

Watch Baldur's Gate 3 on GOG

“We promised Minthara to stop repeating herself.”

For those who don't know, if Minthara is one of the antagonists in the first chapter, she can still be recruited into the player's team if the player is smart enough. but, For those who play in Dark Pulsion, it happened that in the third chapter, the latter suddenly decided to leave the team, without explanation, which upset more than one person. While many players have tried to confront the decision behind the Drow's motivations, It was actually just a mistake.. but that is not all.

She'll stop walking around!  This character from Baldur's Gate 3 has been driving players crazy, and this new update will finally change everything.

Without spoiling anything, It happened in the second act that Minthara repeatedly repeated a sentence about Jill's fateSo much so that many players were frankly upset. And the worst part of all of this is that the latter kept saying the same sentence in the third act even when Gail decided not to do what she was angry about. Upside down, The Drow continued to read the same line even though some players got a “bad ending” with Gale, which no longer made sense and broke the immersion a bit. Fortunately, all of this has been fixed by Hotfix #22 which should make gaming with Minthara much more enjoyable.

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