Saint-Brieuc: With the Petits Débrouillards, science permeates the living – Saint-Brieuc

Saint-Brieuc: With the Petits Débrouillards, science permeates the living – Saint-Brieuc

Under a canopy, dozens of children from the Europe region are busy around a table. In front of them, a funnel, jars, baking soda, flasks and balloons. Immersed in the current experiment, Killian, Herrero, Nohan, Brian, Osen, Lorenzo, Manon, Yusra and her little sister don’t all adopt the same scientific protocol. Some strictly follow the instructions, others are more approximate as to the dosages … “There are some that will not work, they should not be disappointed!” warns the host Hugo.

Over the past two weeks, three of Barbara Riviere’s children have been attending Petit Debreuer activities. The young housewife is excited: “They are discovering a lot of things: planting seeds, making paper, building beehives!”. A resident of the neighborhood, Sephora Le Gall, who came with her daughter, gives a “warm welcome.”

Hunting for a “biodiversity” treasure

Each year, Petits Débrouillards proposes a theme for the “Science at the Bottom of Your House” process, recalls the Romain Sabardin Association’s coordinator. Biodiversity is in the spotlight this summer. Les Petits Débrouillards organized a scientific treasure hunt with its partners from the Cap Couleurs Community Centre, the MJC, the Library and “Vert le jardin”. The emerging scientists who conducted the investigation until the end of the day received a gift in the presence of the Governor of the Côte d’Armor. Thierry Mosiman made the trip to remind the state of the financial obligations under the “summer semesters” system. In Côtes d’Armor, a budget of 60,000 euros allows residents of priority neighborhoods to enjoy cultural and sporting events.

Children who complete the treasure hunt receive
Children who complete the Mission Biodiversity treasure hunt receive a small group gift to continue their scientific explorations. (The Telegram / Elsa Gautier)

Taste of amazing experiences

A student in the history of science, Hugo Troadec has been working as an animator for the Petits Débrouillards for four years. He is well acquainted with the profile of the neighborhood kids, “not much at school” and with sporadic interest. Here, kids love to get their hands dirty and love amazing experiences. “Hopefully they don’t leave with an empty mind!” In the garden behind the platform, the children opened their gifts. Inside, a small box with a magnifying lid for insect observation and a pocket microscope. Insect hunt is underway. A little girl triumphantly returns the insect to Hugo, asking him: “How many legs does an insect have?” “.

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