Rachida Dati congratulates herself for preventing the destruction of the former Marie Curie laboratory

Rachida Dati congratulates herself for preventing the destruction of the former Marie Curie laboratory

Entrance to the Pavillon des Sources, historic site of the Laboratory of the Physicist and Chemist Marie Curie, in Paris, January 5, 2024.
Dimitar Delkov/AFP Entrance to the Pavillon des Sources, historic site of the Laboratory of the Physicist and Chemist Marie Curie, in Paris, January 5, 2024.

Dimitar Delkov/AFP

Entrance to the Pavillon des Sources, historic site of the Laboratory of the Physicist and Chemist Marie Curie, in Paris, January 5, 2024.

Culture – It's a victory you savor. The former Marie Curie laboratory, located in the heart of Paris's 5th arrondissement, will not be destroyed or even moved, and Rachida Dati has a lot to do with it.

The Minister of Culture welcomed this in a message published on the X website on Saturday, April 13. “In January, I committed to preserving the Sources Pavilion at the Curie Institute. After a comprehensive examination, I agreed to a pre-emptive solution for the pavilion by preserving it in its current location. It will be integrated into the new research center »she writes.

“After an in-depth study, (…) the new project presented stipulates that the Pavillon des Sources will remain in its initial location and will be integrated into a new building dedicated to research called Marie Curie – Claudius Rigaud »specified in a joint press release the Curie Institute as well as the Ministries of Culture and Higher Education.

The project is planned to “Reconciling the preservation of the Resource Pavilion in its current location with the construction of a new building aimed at developing a scientific project of international scope for cancer research”.

Disinfection work

The preserved pavilion will become a new cultural space for the Curie Museum, which will pay tribute to the founders of the Curie Institute, the physicist and chemist Marie Curie (1867-1934) and the physician Claudius Rigaud (1870-1940).

The planned demolition of the historic site sparked controversy among flag and heritage advocates, the latter of whom considered that destroying the small historic building would be a serious attack on the memory of Marie Curie.

At the beginning of January, Rima Abdel Malik, then Minister of Culture, suspended the project. A few weeks later, Rachida Dati, who succeeded him in the ministry, announced the transfer of the wing from “a few meters”allowing for the presence of a cancer center ” developed “. Ultimately, the building will not be moved at all.

The first phase of implementing this real estate project includes: “Decontamination work in the ward, which will begin in mid-April 2024 for a period of three months.”The press release adds. The amendment permit will be submitted before May 12. The next phases of the project will be announced later.

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The Pavillon des Sources, very close to the Pantheon, is one of the three buildings that make up the Radium Institute, Note the website of the Marie Curie Museum. This complex was designed by Sorbonne architect Henri Paul Ninot and built in 1915 to house an interdisciplinary research center on radiation. The Sources Pavilion was then an integral part of the Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry, which was directed by Marie Curie.

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