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Recently, the Applied Physics Group of international researchers and engineers designed the free Warp Factory tool to accelerate warp drive research. Using this software, this same team developed a new theoretical model of the warp drive, whose main peculiarity is that it runs on purely “positive” energy (without the need for dark energy, unlike the majority of previous models) at (lower) sub-light speeds. of light).
Warp drive is a theoretical concept that allows spacecraft to travel at speeds greater than the speed of light. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, spacetime can be distorted due to the presence of mass or energy. Warp drives would use this property to travel through space at superluminal (higher-than-light) speeds, creating a controllable warp in space-time.
This idea comes from science fiction, and interests many physicists. However, the theoretical principles on which these engines are based go beyond the experimental framework and collide with theoretical limits, including the fact of moving at a speed greater than the speed of light (which is impossible according to the theory of relativity).
In a new study, researchers fromApplied physics They have designed a new theoretical model of the warp drive, which, they claim, “may not be relatable to science fiction.” Their results were actually published in the journal Classical and quantum gravity, indicates the possibility of a more realistic operation (compared to other models) of such a system, which thus respects the laws of physics, without relying on virtual energies among others. ” This study will be a game-changer when it comes to warp drives », until one of the authors of the study confirms in A I reported.
Fixed “velocity vector” light warp drive.
In 1994, theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre theorized a superluminous traveling structure that exploits negative energy, also called dark energy. However, this model has been widely criticized due to the lack of concrete evidence of the existence of this form of energy and its incompatibility with the known properties of matter.
In their new study, applied physics researchers introduce a new type of warp bubble that exploits both traditional and innovative gravity techniques. They envisioned a theoretical framework that would allow an object to move at extreme speeds, but without exceeding the speed of light (subluminal velocity), in a controlled, stable environment. The researchers say their model also solves the problem of (the need for) dark energy. They say their approach achieves the effects needed to power a warp drive without relying on this default form of energy.
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A major energy challenge
This development is likely to have important practical implications for the future of space propulsion. By demonstrating that manipulating time and space can be achieved using classical (positive) energy, the researchers are paving the way for further research that could one day make super-fast space travel more accessible.
However, the energy barrier required for operation remains a major challenge. Researchers will need to explore ways to generate, store and manage huge amounts of energy efficiently and safely so as not to endanger the crew. ” Although the new warp drive design eliminates the need for alien energy, it still requires a significant amount of energy “, the researchers admitted in the press release.
source : Classical and quantum gravity
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