Ouseville Toulousan.  Space plastic surgery Rene Lavergne

Ouseville Toulousan. Space plastic surgery Rene Lavergne

“This renewal project is an essential project for the second part of our mandate,” said Dominique Lagarde, Mayor of Huseville-Toulousan.

Located in the heart of the city, this spacious building is integrated into the René Goscinny school complex and mainly houses an indoor gymnasium used by various associations, schools and municipal events. It also houses the headquarters of rural Foyer René Lavergne and represents the center of activities in the municipality.

But this space needs a facelift. As it grew older, and water entered from all sides, the roof no longer provided the necessary waterproofing, and the changing rooms became dilapidated and unwelcoming: no longer able to accommodate large events as in the past.

Many questions

“We must rehabilitate this space but also take into account many elements of our environment,” the elected official continues. In fact, the city has several sports facilities in partnership with the Agricultural High School, ENSFEA and INRA; Parking around Place Rene Lavergne is very limited, and it is possible to provide new complementary spaces as part of a city center strategy with neighboring municipalities… Therefore, diagnostics are being carried out to understand the needs of the associations.

At this stage the current project takes the form of a multi-activity room.

“But there are still many questions to be resolved before the first foundation stone can be laid! We have called in experts specialized in these issues. The working group that I directly chair is a cross-sectional group: School, Associations, Activities, Town Planning, Works, Environments and Finance.” …You must also understand that this project, which is a major issue, will mobilize all our attention.”

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