“Our concern is that someone will pick it up”: a health warning issued after the loss of a radioactive capsule

“Our concern is that someone will pick it up”: a health warning issued after the loss of a radioactive capsule

The small capsule, 6 millimeters in diameter, was lost during the transport of goods in Western Australia.

Friday, January 27, the Australian Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) alerted residents of the west of the country after the loss of a radioactive capsule.

The Australian Fire Department specifies that the capsule in question is round, silver in color and “small”, measuring 6 millimeters in diameter and 8 millimeters in height.

The directorate said that “a capsule containing radioactive material was lost during transportation from North Newman to the northeastern suburbs of Perth (southwest).”

06:19 p.m. – Chemical spill in radioactive material hazards in parts of the Pilbara, Midwest Gascoigne, Goldfields Midlands and Perth Metropolitan regions: https://t.co/ZSEIQDbkiJ

– DFES (dfes_wa) January 27, 2023

Risks of “radiation burns”

The department warns that “exposure to this substance may cause radiation burns or acute radiation syndrome.” However, it does ensure that the risks are relatively low among the general population, our colleagues report bfm.

“Notre inquiétude est que quelqu’un la ramasse sans savoir ce que c’est”, a indication in the conference of the press of chef de la santé publique d’Australie occidentale Andy Robertson, assurant that the capsule was met un taux “raisonnable” de radiation , according to Watchman.

The fire department has also issued its recommendations and calls to “stay at least 5 meters away” from the capsule “and not touch it” and inform the department as soon as possible.

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For anyone who has already touched it, DFES advises that they consult a doctor or go to the emergency room.

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