north of Isere. What to remember on the news at noon on Tuesday, March 28th
Les manifestations of retour for une 10e journée, the program of Belles Journées ou une entreprise qui s’essaye à la semaine des quatre days… You qu’il faut retenir de l’actualité nord-iséroise à la mi-journée ce Mardi 28 Mars.
13:30 | Updated at 15:49
Strike and demonstrations in Iser: after this new day of mobilization against pension reform
Photo by DL/Laurie Jeanney
This Tuesday marks the tenth day of union mobilization against pension reform. The first demonstration took place in Isère in Bourgoin-Gallieu, where the number of demonstrators was estimated to be between 2,200 according to the police and 8,000 according to the unions.
Benjamin Biolay, Deluxe, Zazie … Discover Belles Journées
MaxPPP Photo/Sebastian Jarry
Ninth edition beautiful days It will take place in Bourgoin-Jallieu on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 September. As in previous editions, every evening three artists will make festival-goers dance in the heart of the green venue of the Parc des Lilattes.
Professions Caravan: “Our goal is to change mindsets”
Saturday 1any April, Trades Caravan arrives at Espace Saint-Germain. Extensive process of character introduction and training. Twelve buses and one hundred speakers will be particularly present.
Work: Brico Privé at La Verpillière is also trying out four days a week
Photo The DL / Marie ROSTANG
Logistics platform Brico Privé, based in La Verpillière, has moved to four days a week. A change made in collaboration with staff aimed at keeping teams in a sector with high turnover.
CSBJ: New Zealander and Englishman At CSBJ, two extensions are on the horizon
Photo Archive The DL / Michel THOMAS
Bergalian FC are about to formalize recruitment for next season from Aviata Silago, the New Zealand center currently on loan to Chambéry and Morgan Eames, English 2nd/3rd line from Bristol.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”