New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s resignation, slogan for alternative politics

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s resignation, slogan for alternative politics

Posted January 20, 2023

The career of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will have broken all political laws from the start. Elected by surprise in 2017 at the age of 37, she will lead the country for six years with her motherhood, empathy for residents, exemplary attitude during the Christchurch attacks and direct responses to sexual questions that were not missing during her tenure. I decided to leave for family reasons. We believe her. In this world full of brutality, a touch of sweetness, subtlety and honesty will be lost!

Jacinda Ardern’s voice cracked as she told New Zealanders that being prime minister was the greatest role of her life. She tells them she has learned “That you can be good and strong, empathetic and willing to make tough decisions, optimistic and focused on your mission, have her own style of leadership, and someone who knows when it’s time to leave.”

The video spread around the world and the tributes multiplied. The respect instilled in this exceptional woman is due to many things, including her ability not to slip into the laws of masculine strength. She says the main blame leveled at her during her years as prime minister was “Not being aggressive and assertive enough and perhaps seeing her sympathy as a weakness.” Emphasizes: “I am totally rebelling against that image. You can be sympathetic and be strong.”

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Leaving politics when the action you have taken is unanimously applauded is a rare and impressive decision since Jacinda Ardern is only 43 years old. She leaves with a smile and her head held high after her country has changed so profoundly. New Zealand is one of those countries that decided to experiment with valuation models that aim to replace GDP with indicators of well-being. It participates in the Weall Coalition for the “Well-Being Economics” which works to integrate these new indicators into public and fiscal policies. Point shared with Finland, led by another young woman, Sanna Marin.

sexual notes

guess what ? When the two prime ministers meet, the journalists do not talk to them about indicators of well-being or the environment, but rather about the pleasure of meeting for a chat or almost. Last November, they met in Auckland, New Zealand, on an official visit to talk about defense and climate. During the press conference, they were asked by a journalist from New Zealand broadcaster Newstalk ZB “If only they met because they are the same age and have a lot in common.”

Jacinda Ardern smiles yellow and replies with one. “I wonder if anyone asked Barack Obama and John Key (Jacinda Ardern’s predecessor) if they met because they were the same age” Before explaining the economic and technological heft of the two countries and why they want to work together to join forces.

The response from New Zealand’s prime minister, who will remain in office until February 7, mentions the campaign Sista led in France in the spring of 2022 to dismantle the sexist prejudices faced by women in power. I asked a few big bosses questions usually reserved for women in power, very personal and superficial!

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Jacinda Ardern embodies an alternate version of the relationship to power. To choose to withdraw at a time when demonstrations of power by the leaders of many countries are creating a violent climate and great geopolitical tensions impeding any negotiations for climate or biodiversity conservation, is not a pleasant thing!

Anne Catherine Husson-Traore, AC_HT_Novethic CEO

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