New Pokemon has been revealed!

New Pokemon has been revealed!

Pokemon Company Surprisingly broadcast over a new site a new format called Pokémon World Environmental Association, where interactions between Pokémon were shown via small clips. In one of the small clips, a new Pokemon was revealed.


As we can see in this short 3-minute video, a new Pokemon that looks suspicious has been revealed Molecatcher. his name is Wigglet in English and Umidigda (ウ デ ィ グ ダ) in Japanese (sea ​​mollic). As we can see in the video, it lives in the sand near the sea, and it can stretch its body to get out of its burrow.

Pokemon Scarlett and Violet: New Pokemon revealed!
Pokemon Scarlett and Violet: New Pokemon revealed!

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Some old pokemon will be back Pokemon carmine and pokemon purplewith a total of 7 news in Paldea Regional Pokédex. Here they are below.


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